My Approach
Life is changing and I am going back to school in the Fall. I no longer have the time to long arm for others. Thank you for your patronage over the last five years. It's been a joy to work with all of my customers.
Our Approach
My Story
Over the years I have tried many crafts and artistic expression. All of them were fun and satisfying to a degree. When I had the opportunity to make a quilt to commemorate my wedding to my first husband, Steve, it was a thrilling and sometimes frustrating experience that then had me hooked for life. The endless artistic possibilities and the precision needed to make a quilt hits both sides of the brain and then there is a tangible piece of art that is functional and wonderful. Steve encouraged me to buy my first long arm and to move forward with my dream of working in fabric and thread into my retirement. After a long illness I lost Steve and creating and quilting helped me to move forward. God brought me a second unexpected opportunity to love and my husband Kevin has also continued to encourage my dream of starting a long-arm quilting business. I recently upgraded my machine to an APQS Freddie and I look forward to quilting years into the future.
Our Story
Lisa Stromsky

CQO-Chief Quilting Officer